![Amr S Helmy](https://d2cax41o7ahm5l.cloudfront.net/cs/speaker-photo/Optics-2017-Amr-S-Helmy-7023-94454.png)
Amr S Helmy
Univeristy of Toronto, Canada
Title: Integrated hybrid plasmonic devices–the role of 2D materials
Biography: Amr S Helmy
Hybrid plasmonic devices and the associated circuits, with applications in data communications will be discussed. In addition, the role of 2D materials in this platform will be highlighted. Recent advances in the development of a range of 2D materials brings signifi cant opportunities and challenges to photonic circuits. Because of their thicknesses, when compared to optical wavelengths in the visible and infrared, 2D materials physically overlap with a small fraction of the guided electromagnetic modes at these wavelengths in an integrated setting. In this talk, a new approach to profi t from 2D materials in integrated planar setting through the utilization of hybrid plasmonic structures and anisotropic meta-materials will be discussed. Due to the dissipative nature of plasmonic modes there is an inherent trade-off between the propagation losses and modal confi nement in their implementation. Th is talk will also demonstrate an eff ective approach that utilizes hybrid plasmonic modes to alleviate the trade-off associated with their loss behavior and the modal confi nement factor. Th is new approach holds promise to provide eff ective, nano-scale photonic devices using 2D materials, with losses approaching those exhibited by their dielectric counterparts such as Si. Example devices that profi t from this novel architecture include optical modulators, cavities and detectors with designs specially tailored to eff ectively utilize 2D materials. Th e performance metrics and fi gures of merit of this new class of integrated photonic devices will also be described in the talk and compared with other technologies to demonstrate their superiority.