Bruno Bureau
Université de Rennes 1, France
Bruno Bureau is a Professor, obtained his PhD on "Local order investigations in fluoride glasses by multinuclear solid state NMR" at the University of Maine in 1998. In 1999, he joined the Glass and Ceramic Laboratory at the University of Rennes for a position of Assistant Professor. He became full-Professor in 2006 and he has been the Co-Supervisor of 18 PhD. He is the Authors or Co-Authors of more than 140 papers and about 50 invited talks in the field of non-oxide glasses, infrared sensing, optical fibers, material and glass science, deposited patents, wrote 4 chapters of book. He received 5 awards, among which the Yvan Peychès award from the French Academy of Sciences in 2009. He has co-founded the DIAFIR Company in 2011 and is now appointed to the “Institut Universitaire de France”.