Pascale Roy
Synchrotron SOLEIL, France
Pascale Roy performed her PhD research in LURE, Orsay France and received her PhD in Physics from Université Laval, Canada. She was a Postdoctoral fellow at Los Alamosin 1986-89 and was hired as CNRS Researcher at LURE, Orsay France in 1989. She became CNRS Senior Scientist in 1992 and moved her research activity to Synchrotron Soleil in 2004. Her research is focused on the implementation of synchrotron radiation based Infrared and THz beamline, new spectroscopic methods and the development of associated spectroscopic studies. She is currently in charge of the AILES (Advanced Infrared Line Exploited for Spectroscopy) at SOLEIL. The AILES group currently investigates the physical properties of confined material, the optical properties of condensed matter, the edge radiation and coherent sources, the rovibrational spectroscopy of molecules of interest for atmospheric and astrophysics. She is responsible for the Condensed Matter Physical Chemistry group at Synchrotron SOLEIL.