Ngwe Zin
University of Central Florida, USA
Ngwe Zin has earned his PhD degree from the Australian National University (ANU). He was with the ANU until 2016 undertaking the Australian Government administered Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) fellowship award. Together with the ANU PV research team, he has developed 19%, 21.5%, 22.5% and 24% efficient InterdigitatedBack Contact (IBC) silicon solar cells. He then started working at the University of Central Florida recently. He also received multiple funding grants by leading or contributing to grant applications through collaboration with research institutes and industry partners. His research interests are the development of novel MEMS/NEMS structures, measurements, device fabrication, characterization, analysis, and modeling in high-efficiency and passivated contact silicon solar cells.
Abstract : Laser aided shunt removals to improve conversion efficiency in high-efficiency silicon solar cells