Debesh Choudhury earned his M.Sc.Tech. (optics & optoelectronics) degree in 1989
and Ph.D. (applied optics) degree in 1995 respectively from University of Calcutta
and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He served as a scientist at Instruments
R&D Establishment, Dehradun, India. He worked at the Department of Information
and Communication Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications,
Tokyo, Japan for postdoctoral research. Presently, he is a professor at the Department
of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Neotia Institute of Technology,
Management and Science, West Bengal, India. He experienced a variety of research
areas in and around signal and image processing, pattern recognition, holography,
laser instrumentation, microwave imaging, VLSI circuits and systems. He also
handled projects in adaptive optics and imaging through turbulent media. He is an
avid user and a promoter of GNU/Linux, free and open source software. He is a
senior member of SPIE, member of IEEE, Optical Society of India, Optical Society
of America, Indian Laser Association, Instrument Society of India, ACM, FOSET.