Quantum Science and Technology

Through the exploration of quantum mechanics, special phenomena can be exploited for useful applications in quantum research and technology. Drug research and cryptography could be revolutionised by quantum computing, which employs quantum bits, or qubits, to do complicated computations tenfold quicker than traditional computers. Utilising quantum key distribution, quantum communication provides extremely secure data transfer. Navigation and environmental monitoring are among the domains that benefit from the remarkable precision that quantum sensors provide in detecting physical properties. Electronics and energy storage are two areas where quantum materials show potential for progress. These developments could revolutionise entire sectors by solving difficult issues that were previously.

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    Paris, France
    June 24-25, 2025

    7th International Congress onPhysics

    Chicago, USA
    November 13-14, 2025

    18th International Conference on Optics, Photonics & Laser

    Aix-en-Provence, France

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